Whether you have pets or you really love an old carpet that belonged to your parents or grandparents, unpleasant odor can be a really serious issue.
The lack of proper carpet fiber cleaning will make residue and dirt build up, causing the carpet to smell strange.
Wondering how to deodorize carpet quickly and efficiently?
Here’s the deal:
There are several ways to fix this problem, but most methods are only good for spot cleaning and will mostly hide the smell.
The polluting substance is still present, the carpet will not look really clean, and may possibly contribute to health issues such as eye irritation or headaches.
If you need something more than just a one time fix, you need to use a carpet cleaner.
Carpet Cleaners and Deodorizing Products
Choosing the right kind of carpet cleaner and deodorizer will deliver great results in terms of making your rugs smell fresh and clean.
This used to be an expensive item, but the technology has advanced, and the price of the cleaners have been significantly reduced.
You can check out this list of the Top 10 Carpet Cleaners in the US. These are sure to remove the bad odor and really clean the carpets making them look and smell fresh.
And get in the habit of cleaning your carpets regularly. This way, you will be preventing the issue from ever occurring.
The carpet cleaning solutions have deodorizing qualities. Some deodorizers are especially formulated to deal with tough odors like the ones resulting from mold formation or from constant smoking in the room. Some carpet cleaners and deodorizers have natural substances in their formula, if you are interested in chemical-free carpet cleaning.
We recommend the Hoover FH50700 PowerDash for deodorizing carpet:
You can check out more Carpet Cleaning Machine Reviews here.
Baking Soda
If you are trying to deal with the smell of pet urine or smoke that has been accumulating in your carpet for years, baking soda is the best answer.
Baking soda absorbs excess moisture and it can also “trap” unpleasant smells. Sprinkle generous amounts of it on an old carpet and make sure that the soda gets into the fibers. Let it act overnight. Vacuum clean your carpet to get rid of all baking soda. You can repeat the procedure a second time, if the carpet continues having a strange or unpleasant smell.
A modified version of this cleaning method involves the use of essential oils. Sprinkle a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the baking soda. Mix well and perform the cleaning procedure already mentioned. You will be getting rid of a bad smell and you will be giving your carpet a really pleasant scent.
Baking Soda-Based Carpet Deodorizer
You can easily make your own carpet deodorizer by relying on the power of baking soda.
The ingredients that you will need to make the deodorizer include half a cup of baking soda, half a cup of borax and one teaspoon of ground spices. Cinnamon is a great option to try in this recipe. Mix these ingredients well and store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Sprinkle the mix on a carpet that smells bad and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Vacuum clean and you should be left solely with the enticing scent of the ground spices.
This deodorizer is especially suitable for getting rid of pet smell from carpets. A final suggestion is to refrain from using cinnamon on light-colored carpets. Essential oils can be added to the mix to prevent the staining of the fabric.

Deodorizing with Vinegar
Vinegar is another great possibility for natural carpet deodorizing. You may be worried about the smell of vinegar but once the liquid dries completely, it becomes odorless. In the process, vinegar will absorb unpleasant smells. This is why it often gets used for old fridges, to neutralize cat litter box odor, for general house deodorizing and for carpets.
White vinegar is the best variety. Pour vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the liquid evenly on the carpet. Let the vinegar dry completely and if necessary, repeat the procedure once again.

Cleaning and Deodorizing Carpets with Vodka
A cheap vodka variety is an excellent options for cleaning your carpets and getting rid of bad odor. Vodka kills bacteria and it can be used as a natural stain remover.
Vodka is great for pet urine and other stubborn smells. Do spot cleaning of the stain and spray a bit of vodka on top. Allow it to act for 10 to 15 minutes and use paper towels to absorb excess moisture. You can sprinkle a bit of baking soda on top to absorb all of the remaining moisture. Vacuum clean the carpet and you are done.
Protecting Your Carpets from Bad Odors
Doing a little bit of preventive cleaning is always easier than trying to get rid of stubborn odors.
Proper ventilation is the first and the most important rule, especially if you have a person smoking inside the house. Good ventilation will help you get rid of bad smells, instead of making them get trapped in fabrics.
Humidity is another significant issue that can result in mildew or mold. Too much moisture inside the home will give the carpets bad smell quite quickly. There are dehumidifiers you can buy and use to create the perfect living environment.
Keep your floors clean. Vacuum clean the carpets on a regular basis. Address stains immediately to get them out of the fiber quickly and to prevent the accumulation of dirt and residue inside the carpet fabric. Using a carpet cleaning and deodorizing product in a regular basis will maintain your home’s freshness and cleanness.
Learning how to deodorize carpet is far from complicated. You have many cleaning products that you can choose among and you can easily make a deodorizer at home. The sooner you act, the easier it will be to get rid of offensive smells. Keep in mind that if you want to get rid of more than just the bad smell, and get a fresher indoor climate you need to clean it regularly with a good carpet cleaning machine.
We recommend the Hoover FH50700 PowerDash for deodorizing carpet:
More tips on making your carpet smell better here: